DMSS 2024-2025
Executive Council
Benjamin Peterson
Benjamin Peterson
- Direct the activities of the DMSS, oversee responsibilities outlined in the constitution and parliamentary procedure at council meetings.
- Ex-officio member of all DMSS committees, the DMAA Board of Governors, and Faculty Council.
VP Medical Education
Maggie Pickard Responsibilities:
VP External Affairs
Cyril O'Brien Responsibilities:
- Responsible for all aspects of DMSS-led social activities including the annual Medical Student Ball and Banquet and EUPHORIA!
- Chair the Student Interest Group Committees (NS & NB, respectively) and oversee the approval of Interest Groups
VP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility
Shahrzad Rahmanian Responsibilities:
VP Finance
Sunny Fang Responsibilities:
VP Communications
Alex Marshall Responsibilities:
Past President
Kenisse Trotman Responsibilities: